
Friday, March 29, 2013

Four For Friday--Emerald Barnes

Four For Friday is a weekly feature where guest authors choose one of their own characters to complete four sentences. Please be sure to enter the Rafflecopter giveaway. You could be the lucky winner of a Kindle copy!

This week's post is by Emerald Barnes from her novel, Read Me Dead.

I’m Alexia Wheaton.  I’m seventeen, and for seven years, I’ve lived with a terrible secret, a secret that can get me killed.  I even kept it from my best friend, my twin brother, Matt.  I saw the man who murdered my parents, and now, I’m living in constant fear that he will find me and kill me all because some stupid journalist overheard me talking to my friends and leaked the story in the local newspaper.  They all think I’m crazy because I believe he’ll keep his promise, but I know I’m not.  Because I’ve seen him.  He’s been stalking me.

1.  If I found a pot of gold...

I would put it in savings.  Sure, I’m only 17, but college is just around the corner.  But, I would buy my own car.  I’m tired of sharing one with my twin brother.

2.  The color green...

Reminds me of Landon’s eyes.  Landon is my best friend, and he loves me – as more than just a friend.  I thought I could love him back, but my heart belongs to someone else. 

3.  I have a lucky…

Streak.  Unfortunately, it’s bad luck.  It seems as if bad luck follows me around wherever I go. 

f    4.  If I was on the television show, ‘Survivor,’ I would be the one that…

Is the weak link. That is until I can’t take it any longer.  Eventually, I will fight back.

You can find out more about Emerald and her books by visiting her Amazon Author Page.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Giant Tales Beyond the Mystic Doors--We Have a Winner!

There were 21 entries for a Kindle copy of 

Giant Tales Beyond the Mystic Doors.

 Thank you to everyone who participated! 

And now, what you've all been waiting for....Drum roll, please...

Emerald Barnes!

Didn't win? There will be a giveaway every week. Make sure you stay connected so you will know when to enter.


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Plus, sign up for e-mail updates from this blog in the top right-hand corner of the page.


Friday, March 22, 2013

Four For Friday--Sylvia Stein

Four For Friday is a weekly feature where guest authors choose one of their own characters to complete four sentences. Please be sure to enter the Rafflecopter giveaway. You could be the lucky winner of a Kindle copy!

This week's post is by Sylvia Stein from her short story, The Curse of King Siddius in the anthology, Giant Tales Beyond the Mystic Doors 

King Siddius is a greedy and powerful ruler who thinks only of material things.  This need for power and possessions blinds him from seeing the real truth.   He does not give the proper love to his only daughter Kalis. 

1. If I found a pot of gold… 

I am King Siddius and I am a very powerful king.  If I found a pot of gold, I would most definitely keep it with my many treasures.  I would not share it .   I would place it in a special room with all my most prized posssessions.

2. The color green…

makes me think of money.  

3. I have a lucky… 

daughter because she has me for her father. 

4. If I was on the television show, ‘Survivor’...

I would have my guardsmen do all the work for me. I would be the one to win it all because everyone would be too afraid to overrule me.   

You can find out more about Sylvia by visiting her Facebook Author Page

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Portrait of Our Marriage--We Have a Winner!

I know--I'm late with this post. I'm so sorry for making you all wait.

There were 15 entries for a Kindle copy of 

Portrait of Our Marriage

 Thank you to everyone who participated. 

And now, what you've all been waiting for....Drum roll, please...

Pernille Meldgaard Pedersen!

Didn't win? There will be a giveaway every week. Make sure you stay connected so you will know when to enter.


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Plus, sign up for e-mail updates from this blog in the top right-hand corner of the page.


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Cover Reveal--Opal's Song by SJ Byrne

Opal's Song

Coming 2013 - Release date to be announced

A horrific accident on a rain slicked mountainside and permanent paralysis from the waist down.

25 year old Lily Wade has to relearn simple, everyday activities just to live a seemingly normal life.

Opal—a precocious child in her rehabilitation group—teaches Lily about living joyfully after
surviving an immense tragedy and how to find peace within the pain.

To keep a promise made, Lily must dust off her once beloved cello and connect with the music she’s kept locked inside a velvet lined case for nearly a decade.

A Teaser

The headlights of Darren’s extended cab Chevy swung from left to right as he took the switch back curves much faster than normal. Lines of tension formed beside his mouth, and his usually relaxed hands clutched the black leather steering wheel in a white knuckle death grip. Something about the way he pumped the brakes wasn’t quite right, and the momentum of the truck was picking up instead of slowing down. 

Lily wanted to ask if everything was okay, but didn’t dare distract him from what was quickly becoming a dangerous situation. Deep ingrained reflex made her tug on the strap of her seat belt to ensure it would hold if the worst case scenario played itself out.

She’d ventured East with her boyfriend to explore and get away from the stifling rules of her parents. They had come into Western North Carolina via the Blue Ridge Mountains and immediately fallen in love with the place. Eclectic Asheville stole her heart with its combination of forward movement and backwards thinking. Only in that particular valley, surrounded by some of the oldest mountains in the world, could one community find the wherewithal to support so many varied lifestyle modalities. From the redneck–hillbilly descendants of the original Scottish settlers, to the new agers, dirty hippies, and flamboyant gays—Asheville catered to them all.

Lily wanted to share the exuberance of the area with her family, but suddenly feared the chance to do so would come at the cost of a glossy wooden box. Tears filled her eyes as she swallowed past a lump forming in her throat. She didn’t want to die.

Aww, FUCK!”

Darren’s barely whispered expletive caught Lily’s attention as the tail end of the truck swung around. Suddenly they were facing the way they’d come. On any other day Darren would’ve calmly turned the wheel until the truck righted itself. For some reason the beast didn’t respond to his handling. The vehicle continued to spin until something in the front end snapped, and Lily stared in horror. One of the tires flew away from the truck, and in that instant she realized what people said was true—in the moments before death time slows down as the brain processes everything in minute detail. 

Bright headlamps illuminated the surrounding forest as the front end of the truck crashed down onto the road. Heavy metal screeching on asphalt filled Lily’s ears only to be replaced with the sound of trees snapping beneath the force of a full sized pick-up rolling down the side of a mountain.

Up became down, and Lily’s insides threatened to come out as she was jerked about behind the increasingly tighter band of her protective belt. If she’d been sitting next to Darren her head would’ve been spared the repetitive abuse of being tossed against the passenger window. Lily didn’t want to scream out her fear, but found she had no control over her vocal cords—her screeches of distress echoed in the confined space until the imploding windshield drowned her out. Shards from the window flew towards them, cutting her neck and face as they tumbled around inside the cab.

Everything stopped all at once. The crashing roll of the truck, the cutting of the glass shards, even Lily’s screams. The Chevy landed on its side with her hanging by her seat belt, staring down at the unconscious form of her boyfriend. The smell of gasoline filled the air and Lily felt the spike of adrenaline wash through her nervous system.

Darren! Darren, wake up!” She yelled as loud as her constricted lungs would allow behind the crushing force of the nylon strap. “Darren, we have to get out of this truck!”

Darren remained unconscious, and Lily refused to give into the blind panic threatening to take over. Breathing deep she quickly surveyed her position and the quickest escape route. The windshield had completely shattered, making that the only way out of the wreckage as the door above her wouldn’t budge when she tried pushing it open. Grabbing hold of the oh-shit handle, she pulled the weight of her body off the belt and pushed the release button. Blinding heat zipped through her body as she crashed face first against Darren's side and was knocked out cold by the force of their skulls connecting.


Something wet trickled down the side of her face just before an excruciating pain exploded behind her eyes, and Lily knew she was about to have the mother of all migraines. She thought to press the heels of both hands against her throbbing eye sockets, but found her body remained motionless against the command. A soft moan beneath her was worrying, though she couldn’t think why. The muscle of her shoulder flexed involuntarily and a jolt of pain flashed down her spine, stopping abruptly in her hips. A deep breath meant to calm her frantic thoughts brought more pain and then the blessed blackness.


Hang in there little lady. We’ve almost got you out.”

Lily whimpered as a sudden shock of agony rippled through her arms and torso, but the sound of someone talking eased her anxiety. She wasn’t alone—thank god. The voice became a life line she clung to with her mind until sweet oblivion pulled her back into its warm embrace.


They rolled down the side of Mount Pisgah. From what I can gather she was pinned in place by her seat belt, until she managed to undo it and then fell against his side.”

The conversation felt a million miles away. Surely they weren’t talking about her. Before she could give it another thought, the air was filled with excited chatter and frantic movements. She wanted to open her eyes and see what was going on, but her lids were too heavy to lift. Moving the muscles of her body required a strength she didn’t possess and fear flooded her thoughts as she cried out in frustration. The air she pulled through her nose tasted strange on the back of her tongue. Oblivion stretched out its arms and Lily went into them without a fight.

Find out more about Opal's Song and it's release 

by visiting SJByrne or Opal's Song on Facebook

Living in the mountains of Western North Carolina SJ Byrne is just trying to make her way through the insanity that comes with creativity. Writing is her passion - life is her muse. Keep an eye out for new books due later this year.

Connect with SJ via:

Read more about her books on:

A portion of all proceeds from Opal's Song will be donated 
to help children with disabilities...more information forthcoming.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Book Thoughts--March 2013

Wow! It's been a really long time since I did a Book Thoughts post. It's not that I haven't been reading--I usually read two to three books at a time. So, I think I'll do a post once a month, or so, and catch up.
Everybody uses some kind of grading system. Since I love coloring almost as much as I love reading books, I decided to use crayons as my guide.

Here is my system:

      1. Sorry, I just couldn't finish this one.

 2. I got through it, but it wasn't memorable.

 3. It had its good parts and its bad parts.

 4. Very few errors. Strong characters and good plot.

 5. Excellent! You need to read this!

Please keep in mind that these thoughts are mine and mine alone. What someone thinks is a boring read may be someone else's idea of the best book they ever read. Don't take my word for it. Please read any of the following books, and feel free to agree or disagree in the comments below. I'd love to hear your opinions!

A Breath of Snow and Ashes  by Diana Gabaldon (Rating: 5)

A Breath of Snow and Ashes (Outlander)

Eagerly anticipated by her legions of fans, this sixth novel in Diana Gabaldon’s bestselling Outlander saga is a masterpiece of historical fiction from one of the most popular authors of our time.
Since the initial publication of Outlander fifteen years ago, Diana Gabaldon’s New York Times bestselling saga has won the hearts of readers the world over — and sold more than twelve million books. Now, A Breath of Snow and Ashes continues the extraordinary story of 18th-century Scotsman Jamie Fraser and his 20th-century wife, Claire.
The year is 1772, and on the eve of the American Revolution, the long fuse of rebellion has already been lit. Men lie dead in the streets of Boston, and in the backwoods of North Carolina, isolated cabins burn in the forest.
With chaos brewing, the governor calls upon Jamie Fraser to unite the backcountry and safeguard the colony for King and Crown. But from his wife Jamie knows that three years hence the shot heard round the world will be fired, and the result will be independence — with those loyal to the King either dead or in exile. And there is also the matter of a tiny clipping from The Wilmington Gazette, dated 1776, which reports Jamie’s death, along with his kin. For once, he hopes, his time-traveling family may be wrong about the future.

The sixth book in the Outlander series is full of romance and history and answers a bunch of questions that come up in the previous books. These books are a great place to lose yourself for a long while. There's only one more to go before I have to patiently wait for the next one. Every one of the Outlander books is thick, so anything else I read feels like a short story. Any of the Outlander books can stand alone but why wouldn't you want to start at the beginning?

Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen (Rating: 5)

Water for Elephants: A Novel

Though he may not speak of them, the memories still dwell inside Jacob Jankowski's ninety-something-year-old mind. Memories of himself as a young man, tossed by fate onto a rickety train that was home to the Benzini Brothers Most Spectacular Show on Earth. Memories of a world filled with freaks and clowns, with wonder and pain and anger and passion; a world with its own narrow, irrational rules, its own way of life, and its own way of death. The world of the circus: to Jacob it was both salvation and a living hell.
Jacob was there because his luck had run out—orphaned and penniless, he had no direction until he landed on this locomotive "ship of fools." It was the early part of the Great Depression, and everyone in this third-rate circus was lucky to have any job at all. Marlena, the star of the equestrian act, was there because she fell in love with the wrong man, a handsome circus boss with a wide mean streak. And Rosie the elephant was there because she was the great gray hope, the new act that was going to be the salvation of the circus; the only problem was, Rosie didn't have an act—in fact, she couldn't even follow instructions. The bond that grew among this unlikely trio was one of love and trust, and ultimately, it was their only hope for survival. 
Surprising, poignant, and funny, Water for Elephants is that rare novel with a story so engrossing, one is reluctant to put it down; with characters so engaging, they continue to live long after the last page has been turned; with a world built of wonder, a world so real, one starts to breathe its air.
Wow. this book was amazing. When I was a child, I thought the circus life glamorous. I fantasized about running away and joining the circus to be a trapeze artist. This book brought back those fantasies but also showed the dark and ugly side of the circus. If you're a fan of the big top, this is a definite read. 

Talking to the Dead by Bonnie Grove (Rating:  4)

Talking to the Dead: A Novel

Twentysomething Kate Davis can't seem to get this grieving-widow thing right. She's supposed to put on a brave face and get on with her life, right? Instead she's camped out on her living room floor, unwashed, unkempt, and unable to sleep—because her husband, Kevin, keeps talking to her.
Is she losing her mind?
Kate's attempts to find the source of the voice she hears are both humorous and humiliating, as she turns first to an "eclectically spiritual" counselor, then a shrink with a bad toupee, a mean-spirited exorcist, and finally group therapy. There she meets Jack, the warmhearted, unconventional pastor of a ramshackle church, and at last the voice subsides. But when she stumbles upon a secret Kevin was keeping, Kate's fragile hold on the present threatens to implode under the weight of the past . . . and Kevin begins to shout.
Will the voice ever stop? Kate must confront her grief to find the grace to go on, in this tender, quirky story about second chances.

This book had me laughing and crying all within one chapter. Very well written with great characters. I found this book very hard to put down, but I had to--I needed to do stuff! If you can, make time to read this gem in one sitting. 

Strangers In Death by JD Robb (Nora Roberts) (Rating: 5)

Strangers in Death

In 2060 New York, Lieutenant Eve Dallas is about to discover how the ties that bind strangers can kill.

I'm a really big fan of the 'In Death' series. Set in 2060 New York, where soda is sold in small tubes, money is in the form of credits, and coffee is a luxury. Eve is a tough cop with a soft vulnerable center, but she almost always gets justice for the victim. Her gazillionaire husband, Roarke, is Irish and wonderful and  sounds like the perfect man. I hope they never make this series into a movie. No actor could ever be right for his part. If you like mysteries, try one of these books, but again, you might want to start at the beginning.


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Friday, March 15, 2013

Four For Friday--Martha Emms

Four For Friday is a weekly feature where guest authors choose one of their own characters to complete four sentences. Please be sure to enter the Rafflecopter giveaway. You could be the lucky winner of a Kindle copy!

This week's post is by Martha Emms from her novel, Portrait of Our Marriage (Memoirs of Love, Family, the Internet, and Obsession)

Hi, Brett Ketchum here. I have a demanding job, a wife, and two kids. Hell, I’m living the American dream! We’re buying our own home, we have two cars, and we’re putting our son through college. I learned at a young age, life is what you make of it. You need to do things, have fun, live life to the fullest, because you never know what can happen. Your whole life can change in an instant. Look, life’s hectic and sometimes I need relief. And no one is going to tell me what I should or shouldn’t do. Only I know what makes me feel good, what helps me forget. I don’t see why people make such a big deal about porn. Men need a break, we work hard. What the heck is the difference in me getting off on porn and you ladies, reading sexually explicit novels? None. I love my wife; I just wish Nicky would back off. I know what’s good for me, only I know . . .

1. If I found a pot of gold… 

I would throw the biggest damn party. I’d rent a jet and take my family and friends to go on the wildest adventure you could imagine. Zip line through the Yucatan jungle. Sky dive by Victoria Falls, in Zambia. Hike a volcano in Hawaii. Arrange to join a dinosaur dig in Colorado. Rent an amazing fantasy yacht in Australia and sail those wondrous blue seas. We would have a blast.

2. The color green… 

will always remind me of the place where Nicky and I were married. After hiking through red canyons, then entering areas abundant with lush green foliage. Oh, and the waterfalls, the azure sea green waters of Havasu Falls. Such natural beauty. That was the best time in my life, next to my son and daughter being born. I will never forget the many greens of Havasu Falls.

3. I have a lucky…

outlook on life. I didn’t always have it easy, but I learned a lot from tough times. Never stop learning, have fun, go places, do things. Work hard and play hard. How you look at things, is what you get.

4. If I was on the television show, ‘Survivor,’ I would be the one that… 

could do it all. I’m fit, athletic, agile, clever, smart, love nature, an arbitrator, resourceful, have a good sense of humor, energetic, and some might say charismatic  I would be ‘The Survivor’.

You can find out more about Martha Emms by visiting her Amazon Author Page

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Winner's Choice--We Have a Winner!

There were 50 entries for Winner's Choice Kindle copy 

 Thank you to everyone who participated. 

And now, what you've all been waiting for....Drum roll, please...

Michelle Hodge!

She chose a Kindle copy of:

Didn't win? There will be a giveaway every week. Make sure you stay connected so you will know when to enter.


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Plus, sign up for e-mail updates from this blog in the top right-hand corner of the page.


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Next Big Thing WIP Blog Hop

Thanks to Elizabeth over at Elizabeth Lawrence, Author & Professional Oddity for tagging me in The Next Big Thing WIP Blog Hop. If you have a moment, please go over and say Hello!

So, let's get started:

What is the working title of your book?

The Clover Key

Where did the idea come from for the book?

The idea came from two places--a quote I read in an interview and photos of an abandoned castle.

What genre does your book fall under?

YA Historical

Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?

Mika Boorem as Kate Finch
Adam Wagner as Andrew Buchanan
Olivia Holt as Skye Ross
Angus McLaren as Ryan

What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?

Kate and Skye live centuries apart, but a book and a curse bring them together to save an entire clan.

Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?

I'm in the process of querying for agent representation.

How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?

The first draft was done in about 4 months, but the entire novel was rewritten with different points of view and tense. That second draft took almost a year!

What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?

The Clover Key has dual points of view, and alternated between past and present. I'm not sure if there any YA Historical books that do the same thing.

Who or what inspired you to write this book?

My BWFF Courtney Rene.

What else about your book might pique the reader's interest?

There's magic and evil and a really old book. Doesn't that sound like fun?

Next up...

Beth Consugar

Angelia Almos

Clarice Williams

Felicia Tatum

Mariah Deitrick


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Friday, March 8, 2013

Four For Friday--Winner's Choice

Four For Friday is a weekly feature where guest authors choose one of their own characters to complete four sentences. Please be sure to enter the Rafflecopter giveaway. You could be the lucky winner of a Kindle copy!

This week's post is by Ummm...Oops! Well, it looks like there won't be a character post today. The scheduled author still hadn't published her book, and I didn't want to upset the balance of Nature and move all the other authors around. So...let's do something else! Don't worry, this will be fun. 

When I first started this blog, I was nervous and excited all at the same time. Who would want to read any of my ramblings about big dreams and fleeting thoughts? Well, In celebration of my 200th post, having 21,000 page views, and reaching over 100 followers, (!) I would like to do something nice for all of you. 

You choose your prize! That's right, I'm going to let YOU choose whichever Kindle book you would like. (Up to $5.00, please. I'm nice, but not rich.) 

What do you have to do to win this prize?  This is the fun part! You are going to answer one of this month's four questions. See? That's easy and fun, right?  

Here are the four questions:

1. If I found a pot of gold…
2. The color green…
3. I have a lucky…
4. If I was on the television show, ‘Survivor,’ I would be the one that…

Choose one, just one, and answer it. Make sure you enter the Rafflecopter Giveaway, and next Thursday, I'll pick one lucky winner! Have fun!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Open Meetings--We Have A Winner!

There were only 5 entries for a Kindle copy of Open Meetings!

 Thank you to everyone who participated. 

And now, what you've all been waiting for....Drum roll, please...

Cheryl Green!

Didn't win? There will be a giveaway every week. Make sure you stay connected so you will know when to enter.


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Plus, sign up for e-mail updates from this blog in the top right-hand corner of the page.


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Fun Facts--St. Patrick's Day

St Patrick, who lived from 385-461 AD, is the most commonly recognized patron saint of Ireland. Saint Patrick's Day, celebrated on March 17th, is a cultural and religious holiday which commemorates St Patrick and the arrival of Christianity in Ireland.

St Patrick's Day was made an official feast day in the early seventeenth century and has gradually become a celebration of Irish culture. The day is characterized by the attendance of church services, wearing green, public parades, and the lifting of Lenten restrictions on eating and drinking alcohol.

The Man

Patrick was born in Roman Britain into a wealthy family. His father was a deacon and his grandfather was a priest in the Christian church. When Patrick was sixteen, he was kidnapped by Irish raiders and taken captive to Ireland.

While in Ireland, Patrick had a dream that God told him to flee from captivity and go to the coast. He would board a ship and return to Britain. When he reached Britain, he joined the Church and studied to be a priest.

In 432, he returned to Ireland as a bishop to Christianize the Irish. Irish folklore tells that he used the shamrock to explain the Trinity.

The Myth

The mythology about St. Patrick is that he chased the snakes from Ireland. It's true that to this day, there are no snakes on the island, but there never were.


Originally, the color associated with St. Patrick was blue, but over the years, the color green became popular. Green ribbons and shamrocks were worn on St. Patrick's Day as early as the 17th century.

Around the World:

In 1903, St. Patrick's Day became an official public holiday in Ireland. The first St Patrick's Day parade was held in Dublin in 1931. In the mid-1990s the government of the Republic of Ireland began a campaign to use the day to showcase Ireland and its culture.

In Great Britain, Queen Elizabeth used to present bowls of shamrocks flown from Ireland to members of the Irish Guards.

In Japan, St. Patrick's Day parades are held in nine locations. Parades and other events related to the day spread across almost the entire month of March.

The first St. Patrick's Day parade took place in Russia in 1992.

The Irish Association of Korea has celebrated St. Patrick's Day since 1976 in Seoul.

The St. Patrick's Day Test is an international rugby league tournament played between the USA and Ireland.

Every year since 1961, The Chicago Plumbers Union sponsors the dying of the Chicago River in Illinois.


The shortest parade in the world takes place in Dripsey, Cork. The parade is 100 yards and travels between the village's two pubs.

One of the longest-running parades in North America occurs each year in Montreal, whose city flag includes a shamrock. The parades have been held continually since 1824.

The first parade was held in New York City in 1762.

The world's largest parade, held each year in New York City, is 42 blocks long.


Green Beer Recipe – How to Make Green Beer

Corned beef and cabbage

Irish soda bread


Irish Stew

Green beer

Did you know?
  • There are more Americans of Irish origin than there are Irish in Ireland (36 million Americans claimed Irish ancestry in 2008; population of Ireland was 4.4 million at the time)
  • St. Patrick's true given name was Maewyn Succat
  • It takes 40 pounds of dye to turn the Chicago River green for the holiday.
  • The very first St. Patrick’s Day parade was not in Ireland. It was in Boston in 1737.


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