
Monday, August 8, 2011

Celebration Time, Come On!

You can't have a celebration all alone. Well, you can but it just isn't as much fun. Come celebrate with me.

It's a beauty, isn't it? Especially near and dear to me is page 36.

While my poem, "Goodbye" is not my first acceptance, this is the first time my name and work are in a real-life, honest-to-goodness, hold-it-in-your-hands, full-color literary magazine. The title of my poem even made it to the front cover!

Thematic Literary's July issue, "Independence" is their second and their last printing. Unfortunately, due to the high cost of printing, especially for a fledgeling magazine, they've decided to go strictly digital, starting with their September issue. (By the way, my work will be in that one, also.)

So, I'm feeling extra happy my poem was accepted and printed before the change. Hopefully, Thematic's popularity will gain momentum so they can one day resume printing their beautiful full-color magazines. Until then, please visit their website: where you can download a sample, read the call for submissions on their upcoming theme, or even support them by purchasing a downloadable copy of one of their issues.

Thanks for sharing in my celebration. Let's hear about your most recent reason to celebrate...I'll bring the cupcakes.


  1. Well! Waaa Hoo! This is wonderful. Congrats my literary friend. Not that I am the least bit surprised. Snaps to you!


  2. Thank you so much, Courtney. :)


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