
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Everyone Has A Story

One of the best things about owning an auto repair business on a busy state road is meeting so many interesting people.

I especially enjoy when customers decide to wait for their vehicles while we perform a quick repair such as an oil change or tire repair.  My work area is part of the front office where we also have a waiting room.  Our customers are offered coffee, tea, and snacks while they wait.

I usually try to engage in idle chit-chat to help their waiting time pass quickly.  Through the years I've had the pleasure of speaking to some very interesting people with some very interesting stories to tell.

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of meeting and spending approximately thirty minutes with a young man who grew up in Russia.  His family moved to the US about ten years ago.  This young man works with his father as a dog and cat trainer and together they perform with the circus.

As soon as he told me his occupation, a huge smile spread across my face.  I could almost smell the peanuts and cotton candy and I swear I heard the trumpeting of an elephant.

"How exciting!" I said and meant it.  "Almost every child dreams of joing the circus."

"I just returned from Hong Kong.  I also perform solo.  I juggle and do manipulations," he told me.  His Russian accent evoked images of colorful domed palaces.

When he saw my confusion at his juggling description, he showed me a video from YouTube on his phone.  I was very impressed, but then again, celebrities of any kind leave me star-struck.

Perhaps some day, I'll be a celebrity in the literary world and I'll have a story to tell someone.

Have you ever met and talked to a celebrity?

1 comment:

  1. Loved the video. Very entertaining. I have never met anyone famous. Oh that's not true. I did corresponde with Judy Blume when I was in the 4th grade, but it was only the once. Otherwise I am celebrity less.


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