
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Unorganized Chaos

Every morning, I wake up and turn on the coffee pot.  I look around at all the chores that need to be done.  In between drinking my coffee and getting ready for work, I do small jobs like straighten the living room, wash the previous night's glasses and cups, etc. and wish I had more time to get things done.
I can't help but wonder if I hadn't spent the time stocking my store on Facebook or stalking friends, I would have had time to do twenty minutes of yoga, a load of laundry, write a story, or heaven forbid, clean my house.
Every night, I lie in bed and make a mental list of things to do the next day, swearing I'll stick to the list, but the next day comes and goes without getting much accomplished.
Lately, I find that unless a chore has a deadline, I will push it to the back burner. 
"Give everything a deadline," you say.  Ha!  I cannot be tricked.  Even when things do have a deadline, I need to wait until right before the date to start the process.  Maybe it's the rebel in me.
I marvel at the people who have their Christmas shopping done before Halloween while I'm still cleaning up the flower gardens I never got around to planting all summer.
I have lists and schedules and I really, really try to be more organized but sometimes I think it's just not in my blood.
What are your strategies for keeping yourself on track?


  1. I'm glad you posted this. Not glad that you struggle with this, but glad that I now know I am not the only one who struggles with this issue. Sorry, I have no advice.

  2. I am right along with ya sister!! We need to be more like our mother but we are not.....Where did we come from??? lol

  3. As I spend my morning the same way as you do, I have no inspiration there, but I do have a calander that I schedule in big things like Christmas shopping (in November). That's about as organized as I get. Life gets in the way, but truthfully, I would have it any other way.

  4. I'm glad to see I'm not alone, lol. I tell myself there's no such thing as procrastination. Everything I do and see is fodder for a story.


Thanks for your comments. I LOVE hearing from you! :D