
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Rebel Tales has closed

Holly Lisle had a wonderful idea.

Duotrope Digest said:

"The purpose of Holly Lisle's Rebel Tales e-zines is to publish longer short fiction and serialized long fiction in an accessible online format, in complete units called seasons.
Holly Lisle’s Rebel Tales e-zines have specific technical requirements that you must hit in order to sell to us. If you do not read and follow the guidelines, EVERYTHING you submit will miss the mark, most of it by huge margins. To be accepted as a Rebel Tales story, the story must meet my personal definition of “good story.” And my definition of a good story is not a vague definition full of artistic or emotional terms with lots of elbow room for interpretation: it is instead very specific, with concrete, absolute requirements. You will find these requirements, with definitions and examples as necessary, listed in the following sections: Purpose, Characters, Plot, Theme, Style, Cliffhanger, Submission, and Specific Genres. Rebel Tales is open to beginners as well as pros—so long as you are writing good fiction. You do not have to have been previously published to submit."

Then, we all got an e-mail.  Rebel Tales has been closed permanently.  Its seems a prospective editor misrepresented herself as a full editor with Rebel Tales and also misrepresented Rebel Tales as a publisher already in business.

Holly's writer's criteria was a great guideline for any manuscript a person wanted to submit and I'm sure her criteria for editors was just as specific. Because there was no way for Holly to guarantee something like this wouldn't happen again, she thought it best to close Rebel Tales before it ever really took off.

I'm so sad I won't be able to send her one of my manuscripts for approval and especially sad I hadn't had a chance to be a part of her wonderful idea.


  1. I know. This is a huge loss. I wonder if she will continue with her on-line courses? I hope so.


  2. Yes, Courtney. Her on-line courses are still available.


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