
Monday, August 1, 2011

Top Ten Things I Love About My Day Job

As some of you know, my husband and I own an automotive repair shop in our hometown. You can visit us here: Quality Automotive I post weekly hints and tips and general automotive information. We'd love to have you as one of our friends.

Owning your own business is a challenge, especially in this economy but I wouldn't give it up. (Unless we win the lottery, of course.) I decided to share the "Top Ten Things I Love About My Day Job."

I hope you enjoy:

10. When we're busy, we're making money.
Besides paying the mortgage, feeding the family, and all those other pesky financial responsibilities, having money means I don't have to cringe every time I buy new ink cartridges for my home printer. It also eases writing stress--I don't have to worry so much about landing that multi-million dollar book contract.

9. My writing time has become more productive.
By working 9:00-5:30, I need to get my writing done at night and/or in the early morning. The limited free time has made me appreciate those precious hours.

8. I meet so many interesting people.
Eventually, they all become characters.

7. Being a boss feeds the "control freak" in me.
Sure, being a boss has tons of responsibilities but I can't lose my job should I get caught researching markets during work hours.

6. Free car repairs.
Which leaves more money for ink cartridges, other office supplies, and my crayon fetish.

5. The customers who walk in and out of my office all day.
Writing is solitary. Most of the time, I'm a social creature and I crave face-to-face interaction with real people and like my characters, they sometimes tell me their life story.

4. Going to work gets me out of the house.
I'm not the outdoorsy type. If I didn't have a day job, I would hardly ever leave my writing/reading cocoon. I'd be pale.

3. Facebook.
Our business has a Facebook page so yes, it's part of my job description. Updating our page with notes keeps my writing mind sharp.

2. The magazines in our waiting room.
I have a variety of idea generators and can write them off as a business expense.

And the number one thing I love about my day job--

1. Access to all those office supplies.
And that's all I'm going to say about that.


  1. Crayons are on sale right supply season has official hit. Yay! My school supply (no really it is not a writer supply, I swear...) closet is now packed full again of spirals, looseleaf paper, notecards, pencils, and of course crayons. Its lovely this time of year eh?


  2. Haha! At one time, Staples had a commercial where they played the Christmas song, "The Most Wonderful Time of the Year." The parents danced and floated through the aisles while they loaded their carts with school supplies. The children sulked and shuffled along behind them. I loved that commercial!
    I have always been more excited than our children about new school supplies. My heart goes pitter-patter whenever I'm inside an office supplies store.
    Hubby has to drag me away from the aisle in BJs (bulk office supplies make my heart skip a beat.) and now knows that if I have to run into Staples for ink cartridges, he'd better come inside with me, or else...


Thanks for your comments. I LOVE hearing from you! :D