
Thursday, November 24, 2011


Stuffed Turkey

The third Thursday of November is set aside for all Americans to give thanks. It's a holiday when we teach our children about the Pilgrims who settled here over 500 years ago, and who jointed with Native Americans for a huge feast and gave thanks.

Thanksgiving is a time to gather with family and friends and remember just how much we have to be thankful for. AND spend a whole day preparing food, watching football, consuming said food, and then taking naps. Lol. But all of that IS something to be thankful for.

Our family no longer celebrates this holiday together in a big way. We are all scattered around the eastern seaboard, and I haven't spent a Thanksgiving with my daughter since 2007, but we are all very thankful for the joys and blessings in our lives. Our accomplishments, our homes, our jobs, our material possessions, and most of all , the love we share with family and friends.

I hope you and yours have a moment to experience that wonderfully warm feeling of gratitude at some point today. I know I will. I'm thankful for so much, including all of you.

Happy Thanksgiving.

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