
Friday, June 1, 2012

Celebrating With A Giveaway!

Paper Bag

The Bible tells us it is better to give than to receive. Personally, I think receiving is fun also. So to celebrate my 50th birthday this month with all of you, I am offering a giveaway! That's right, the birthday girl is turning things around. Aren't presents fun?

So, you know I collect fairies, right?

And you know I collect crayons, right?

Well, I decided to put together a few of my favorite things to share with you:

(Sorry about the photo quality)

That's right, a gift for you! Yay!

There are fairy stickers and note cards, bath crayons, colored pencils, flower seeds, and of course, an autographed copy of Courtney Rene's Shadow Warrior!

Doesn't that sound like fun? Share with us, and I'll share with you! This contest will run from today until midnight on June 18th. A winner will be announced on Tuesday, June 19th. 

So, if you would like a chance to win this fun prize, here's how to get entries:

~Leave a comment, telling everyone what YOU collect. 
~Follow my blog.
~Follow me on Twitter.
~Add me to your circle on Google+
~Share this giveaway on your blog.
~Share this giveaway on your Facebook page.
~Tweet about this giveaway.

That's a total of EIGHT possible entries! 

Be sure to tell me the number of entries you are eligible for in your comment. 

Good Luck!


  1. First of all, Happy Achievement Day, Denise. It's nice to hear someone enjoy the possibility of arriving at this milestone.

    And this contest of yours? You're diving in with more than both feet here, and such a lovely bit of reasoning on your part, too. Good job.

    What do I collect? Why, dragons,of course! And when my pen out back gets a bit too crowded with the darlings, I gift one to someone else who appreciates their many qualities.

    There you have it; my secret stash, cache, and weakness, all rolled into one.

    Glad I stopped by today. Again, Congratulations on this milestone, my friend.

    1. Thank you! I like that...Achievement Day. It's got a nice ring to it. They say that 50 is the new 30, so...Dragons? Really? How wonderful!!

  2. Hey, happy birthday and happy milestone! I can’t even begin to list what I collect. Big categories: Vintage anything, antiques, scriptum anything, sparkly shiny (especially vintage) anything. Um...Books, cameras, paintbrushes, pencils (wait, those are scriptum things). A couple of years ago I was at RHS Chelsea and bought some Cicely Mary Barker fairy sculptures for my garden. There’s the strawberry fairy in the strawberry patch, the columbine fairy in the flower garden and lavender ferry in the herb border. Those are my fairies. Hope you celebrate for a long, long time.

    1. Oooooh sparklies! I get a wonderful catalog of Vintage goodies and I sigh when I see all the pretty Victorian clothes and doodads.
      Thanks for the good wishes and for sharing!

  3. Let me see.....I collect Tinkerbell pins, key chains of all shapes and sizes, tank tops (that's more of an addiction though I am thinking, and I think that is about it.

    Happy Birthday Denise! I love ya! 50 is only the beginning.


    1. I have a Tinkerbell mug from Disney. :D I have an addiction to wine corks. Don't know why, but I collect them in a drawer. I know, call me eccentric.

  4. Happy birthday, Denise! How generous that the birthday girl is giving away such wonderful gifts. Unfortunately I'm not much of a collector these days, except for books. I used to collect erasers, scented notepads & hair clips when I was a kid.

    1. Thank you Claudine! Books are a great thing to collect! Collecting involves lots of dusting, especially with those fairies. Lol. Consider yourself lucky. :D

  5. I have a huge collection of comic books! The first books I read were comic books.

    After school, I would meet my mom at her workplace and sit and read the comics while she finished her shift. The Fantastic Four, Wonder Woman, Swamp Thing, Superman, etc., were all waiting to tell me their stories everyday. Great childhood memory.

    I had to quit collecting as having kids eats up (literally) time and money, but they are worth it! My most recent graphic novel purchases are stories that go along with the Firefly franchise. Yep, I'm still a comic book geek and proud of it!~Kim

    1. Hi Kim! I really enjoyed reading comic books also. When I was younger, I read the Archie comics. When I was older, my younger brother, who was an avid collector, would let me read some of his. Thanks for joining in!

  6. Happy Birthday! (Sorry, I know I'm late) You're doing a great giveaway.
    I'm not really much of a collector, but I do have a collection of porcelain dolls. My grandma made my first one when I was little and I just kept adding to them. Other than that, I guess I collect anything I can't live without. ;)

    Hope you had a wonderful birthday, Denise!

    1. Hi Mariah! Thanks for the birthday wishes. Oh, porcelain dolls--some of them are so beautiful! I guess I also collect things I can't live without, but the corks? Those I really don't NEED, but I can't seem to stop stashing them away. Lol. Thanks so much for stopping by!

  7. I also have a collection of porcelain dolls. Mariah and I are cousins and I also started when I was little when my grandma made me one. My grandma made porcelain dolls for all the girls in our family and Mariah and I were the only two girls that keep our collection going.

    1. Hi Shannon! Thanks for visiting my blog! How wonderful that your grandma's handiwork will live on in your collections. And thank you for sharing with us!


Thanks for your comments. I LOVE hearing from you! :D