
Monday, July 30, 2012

Fun Facts about August

Before I start this week's blogpost, I just want to share some really awesome news. We have a new addition to our family!

Caleb Robert Stanley

He was born 2 weeks early on July 29, 2012. He weighed in at 6lbs. 5ozs and measured 18.5 inches. Our first grandson is a healthy baby, and we're excited beyond belief. So yup, I'm a Grandma! I can't wait to read the little guy some bedtime stories.

Now, on to this week's post:

August was named in honor of Augustus Caesar. The month of August was the time of several of his great triumphs, including the conquest of Egypt.

August is the eighth month of the year and has a length of 31 days. 

In common years, no other month starts on the same day of the week as August, but in leap years, February starts on the same day.

Those born in the beginning of August are under the sign of Leo, and those born after the 21st are born under Virgo.

The birthstone is the peridot or onyx, and the birth flower is gladiolus or poppy.

Important Days in August:

First Week in August--World Breastfeeding Week. 
                                     Sturgis Motorcycle Rally
                                     Indian Week for the Penobscot Tribe in Old Town, ME
                                     Pennsic War-a medieval gathering event of the Society for Creative Anachronism 

First Weekend in August--Twins Days. Celebrated in Twinsburg, OH.
                                            The Bon Festival. A traditional Japanese Buddhist custom which evolved into a family reunion holiday.

August 6--Wiggle Your Toes Day

August 13--National Left-handers Day (Thanks, Courtney!)
August 15--National Relaxation Day

August 26--Go Topless Day. Coincides with Women's Equality Day. The main rally will take place in Washington, DC this year, where they will present President Obama with a petition. Participants are welcome to go fully topless or to wear red tape over their nipples. (!)

August is the National Month for:

Immunization Awareness
Water Quality
Back to School (for some US districts)
American Adventures
Audio Appreciation
Happiness Happens

Some Famous Birthdays:

August 1--Herman Melville (1819-1891)
August 2--James Baldwin (1924-1987)
August 4--Percy Blythe Shelley (1792-1822) Husband of Mary Shelley.
August 6--Lord Alfred Tennyson (1809-1892)
August 12--Robert Southey (1774-1843) Poet laureate for 30 years, he penned the rhyme What are little boys made of?
August 22--Dorothy Parker (1893-1967)
                  Ray Bradbury (1920-2012)
August 24--Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986)
August 30--Mary Shelley (1797-1851)


  1. Happy Birthday baby! Awwwwww. How sweet is that.

    Hey what about August 13th? That's national left handers month. How could you forget that one?


    1. Oops! I'll add it in! Thanks for the heads-up, Lefty. :D

  2. Oh Denise, how lucky you are! Much warm congratulations to you and your family. You'll love it! My two little grandaughters are 2yrs (Ever) and 2 months (Isla). What a wonderful time to be born.

    1. Thank you Veronica. What beautiful names your granddaughters have! We are so excited. AND my brother and his wife just had their first child, a baby girl! We have babies everywhere and I'm looking forward to sitting them both on my lap and reading them stories. Thanks for stopping by. :D


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