
Monday, July 16, 2012

In Over My Head (Book Thoughts)

There was a time when I could read three novels a week, but lately I've noticed that my 'To be read' pile is multiplying like stink bugs on a sunny window in Autumn. Sorry, that was a regional joke--okay--multiplying like rabbits.

I love to read! No, really I do! I bumped up my Booksfree membership a few years ago to have six books at a time at home. That way I never have to wait for a book shipment. When Amanda moved back home for awhile, she brought home three boxes of books. Friends of ours boxed up all of their books, and I grabbed a whole box full of those golden nuggets for myself. After weeding through all of those boxes, and keeping only what I really wanted to read, this is what I have:

Over six feet of books! (Definitely over my head!) That's almost 7,200,000 words! This pile includes the last three books in Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series, the last three books in the Harry Potter series, and that's right, the Twilight boxed set is in there. I said I'd read it, but I don't know when I'll get to it.

That pile doesn't include my fairy books, books on Egyptology, Stonehenge, the 'What Life Was Like In...' series, my reference books, and of course--

my magazines! In this pile are my Writer's Digest, The Writer, Poets & Writers, Good Housekeeping, O, National Geographic, Time, MotorAge (I also need to stay on top of the automotive repair industry) AARP, and a few NY Times Magazines.

I also have about 30 books loaded onto my Kindle Fire. I stopped scrambling for the freebies that were offered because I felt guilty about not doing a timely review after the download. But aside from completing an adorable short story, The Imaginary Friend by Kelly Hashway ( through to get your free copy!) I haven't had a chance to read them, let alone post a review.

Reading is such an important part of being a writer, and I know I have to carve out time for it. So, I am actually making a conscious effort to read more--a magazine a day (they keep coming!) and at least an hour each night on the books. I'll have to alternate between the Kindle books and the monster pile.  I never thought I'd have to reprimand myself about not reading enough but there just doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day. I can barely get my laundry done!

I would love to take a sabbatical from work until my pile is cleared up, but I don't think John would appreciate that. Nor the mortgage company. Now, if could just win the never know, but during the next couple of weeks, I promise to have read a book that I can talk about in next month's 'Book Thoughts' post.

What about you? Do you read enough? How tall is your 'To be read' pile?


  1. Was that a AARP magazine? Really? Now come on, you are not that old! Stop it. LOL.

    Your TBR pile looks like mine. Thankfully I did not renew any magazines this year as I was not reading them. It was a waste of valuable storage space.

    YOu still haven't read twilight? OMG what is wrong with you? LOL. I was happy to see HOWL on the top of that pile. Woo hoo me.


    1. Yes, yes. AARP magazine. It's actually interesting! I've decided to let my subscriptions run out, but we still get 3 different mags for the shop's waiting room.
      No. (hangs head) I still haven't read Twilight. I keep pushing it to the bottom of the pile. I'll read it. I promise.


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