
Friday, October 18, 2013

Four For Friday--Willa Blair

Four For Friday is a weekly feature where guest authors choose one of their own characters to complete four sentences. 

Don't forget: you need to click on the Rafflecopter tabs or else your entries won't count! 

This week's post is by Willa Blair from her new novel, Highland Seer.

My name is Donal MacNabb, arms master and husband to Ellie, Laird MacKyrie.  People will tell ye I'm a skeptic. 'Tis true I used to trust my five senses and little else - until I met the Lathan Healer. I didna trust my his laird’s fascination with the healer he brought home from the invading army, but I came to believe her talent was real.  So when I met Ellie MacKyrie, her Sight wasna quite as hard to swallow as the fact that she was laird of her clan and wanted me to be her consort. Other than my skill with a sword, I had nothing to offer - no lands, wealth or armies. But Ellie became my soul. With her, I found my true home and learned to trust my heart as well as my senses.

1. The spookiest thing that ever happened was on All Hallows many years gone.  I heard a banshee scream. There are those who will say I heard a wildcat or an eagle.  I heard a banshee.  When ye hear one, someone near to ye is going to die. My sister’s husband died that night of the fever that took my sister a day later. Aye, the banshee screamed twice.

2. When I was younger, I wanted to be a warrior and to fight for my clan.  I became one - a bloody good one. I’ve fought for my clan and my adopted clans many times over the years.  And the lads I’ve trained to fight with fists and weapons are still alive today.

3. I used to think if I were wealthy, I would improve the clan’s weapons and defenses.  Now that I am, I'm doing that, and seeing to the welfare of the bairns left fatherless by the King’s folly at Flodden.  

4. My favorite food?  I dinna think I have one.  I’ve spent years traveling and fighting and I’ve learned to eat just about anything when hungry.  I enjoy an ale by the fire on a cold evening, and a wee dram doesna go amiss.  Lately, I’ve developed a liking for MacKyrie whisky.  Fortunately, we have a good supply of it.


Willa Blair is the best-selling and award-winning author of Scottish romance with a paranormal twist, set in the 16th century Highlands, when the old ways, and old talents, still shaped events. If you'd like to learn more about Willa and her books, visit her blog.

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