
Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Nothing To Say

If you have nothing to say. You should blog about it. ~ Hugh Macleod

I haven't written a blog post in almost two months. I know you'll think I'm going to tell you I've been busy, but the truth is I've had nothing to say.

It's the Summer. I have a few friends that LOVE the Summer. They love the sun and warm weather. For me, the Summer is draining. I hate the heat, and now that I'm older, I can't stand the sun. I know the sun is important for life. The sun is good for my vegetable plants, and I know sunshine is full of vitamins, but unless I'm in a Caribbean resort with a swim-up pool bar that serves frozen Pina Coladas and Margaritas, I can't sit in the sun for longer than 5 minutes. Then again, pool bars are usually shaded.

Summer is usually very busy in the automotive repair business. College kids are home from school, families go on vacation and they all want to make sure their vehicles are safe. Lots of work means longer hours. I don't get home until almost 7pm.

I don't live near a beach. We don't have a pool anymore because by the time we get home, nobody feels like cleaning it or maintaining it. My home, my car and my business office are air-conditioned. I go outside to water my vegetables after 7pm, when the sun isn't as hot. I turn into a vampire in the Summer.

After cooking dinner, cleaning up the kitchen and then doing paperwork that I couldn't complete at work, I'm fried. I spend some time checking Facebook and e-mails, but I'm too tired to do anything else.

Yeah, I'm not a fan of Summer. Thankfully, it's almost over. I'm looking forward to the Fall. I'm always more productive in the Fall. Well, we'll see...

How is Summer treating you?

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