
Monday, February 14, 2011

The Irresistably Sweet Blog Award

WooHoo!  I got an award! 

The Irresistably Sweet Blog Award

Thank you, Courtney Rene for thinking of me. 
This is a truly wonderful gift and I am so honored. 

Here's how the award goes:

1. Thank and link back to the person that gave this award.

2. Share 4 guilty pleasures that you have.

3. Pass the award along to 6 other sweet blogs.

Here are my guilty pleasures: (of course, I have a lot more than 4.)

1.  Crayons.  Yup, I've got tons of them.  Do I use them?  NO!! (And no, I don't share.  Keep your hands off, lol)  My dream trip would be to go to the Crayola Factory in Pennsylvania but I need to borrow a friend's child so I don't look so silly.

2.  Naps.  I love to nap. Especially on rainy days.

3.  Double Stuff Oreos.  No explanation needed.

4.  Boxes.  If I had it my way my whole house would be filled with boxes of every size made of wood, metal, stone, whatever.  I especially like ones with really cool clasps to close them.  Something about boxes intrigues me.

Six Sweet Blogs

1.   Julie's  Julie Rose Sews

2.   Boo's  Tattooing Angels

3.   Kristi's R.A.W. Random Acts of Writing

4.   Claudette's Claudsy's Blog

5.   Lindsay's Silly Mom Thoughts

6.   Terrie's Write What Your Heart Desires

Congratulations to the six sweet blogs receiving this award from me! As a request, disseminate this award to six other bloggers not on this list. You don't have to return the favor by giving me the award again. I'm thankful enough as it is for receiving it.

Spread the love!


  1. Thank you so much, that's so lovely of you! And I have crayons too, I use them when I'm just starting to design a collection. They don't feel so serious!

  2. You're both very welcome! Your blogs are so sweet and quite entertaining.


Thanks for your comments. I LOVE hearing from you! :D