
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Seven Things I've Learned

Although I've been an avid reader since grammar school, I'm convinced I lived under a rock my whole life.

Unlike so many of my writing friends, the writing bug bit me late in life. In 2008, I enrolled in the Children's Institute for Literature and I suddenly discovered a parallel universe filled with writers, agents, editors, and publishers.

I felt like an ostrich who pulled its head from the sand and realized a whole new world. I've only been writing for three years but I've learned so much so far.

Chuck Sambuchino's Editor's Blog Guide to Literary Agents does a recurring column asking writers for 7 things they've learned so far. Since I will probably never make Mr. Sambuchino's column, (no matter how much positive thinking I do,) I thought I would share 7 things of my own:

1. There are so many writers, both aspiring and published, and sometimes I get the feeling there are more writers than stars in the universe.

2. I've learned there are more children's writers than I could have ever imagined and most of them are trying to get a story in Highlights.

3. I haven't met a fellow writer yet who isn't helpful and considerate. Even the very successful ones!

4. Even though we are in a very competitive industry, most writers I know share markets.

5. There are so many stories that have already been written but there are still so many more that haven't been written yet.

6. I have more ideas than hours to write.

7. I will never stop learning new things.

What have you learned so far?


  1. I've learned that positive thinking can indeed accomplish anything. You shouldn't count yourself out of writing that column for me one day.

  2. Oh, wow. Thank you, Mr. Sambuchino.
    I'm honored you not only stopped by my blog but also took the time to comment.
    Your words of encouragement are deeply appreciated.

  3. All the children's writers out there trying to get into hightlights....hahahahaha. I laughed so hard at this my tummy hurt.

    Here's one that I have learned. The most critical of our work is....ourselves.


  4. You are so right. We always have that self-doubt lurking inside our heads, don't we? Keeps us from getting too cocky, I guess.
    Haha. I've pretty much forgotten about submitting to Highlights. I just skip over it in the Market Guide. Who knows? Maybe some day...


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