
Monday, February 13, 2012

Author Spotlight--Kim Curley

Kim Curley began her writing journey in 2008, taking an online course titled, 'How To Sell Your Fiction Novel.' With the encouragement of a friend from work, she enrolled in a correspondence course and became a 2010 graduate from the Institute of Children's Literature of West Redding, Connecticut. In 2009, she became a member of SCBWI-Society of Children's Book Writers & Illustrators. Although she enjoys writing children's lit, her goal is to branch out and write for adults as well. She prefers writing fiction/fantasy, to provide escapism for readers everywhere. "I write what I would want to read, when I get the chance to read." A housewife and mother, she resides in the Pacific Northwest. Her story for Wicked East Press Sci-Fi/Apocalypse Anthology, "Earth's End," titled, "Faith: An Apocalypse Story," is her first published piece for a book.

Earth's End: Anthology, edited by Rebecca Besser and published by Wicked East Press, was released on January 26, 2012.

~Welcome, Kim! Thank you so much for joining us today. Congratulations on your recent success!

Thank you so much for having me visit your blog, Denise. And thanks for the congrat's on the story-I'm really excited about it! *jumps up-&-down* Okay-I'm done...for now!

~Which do you prefer writing--novels or short stories?

Both have their challenges, so I'd have to say both. However, I'm "long in the tooth," so writing novels fits how and what I write. Short stories are a great way to brush up your writing skills though!

~I see in your bio that you enjoy writing fantasy. Now that you have a Horror story under your belt, do you think you'll write more in that genre?

I'd like to write for all genres, as each one has a different "voice." We should all go outside our "bubble" and try something new. A writer might find their niche in something opposite what they originally started writing!

~I've never written Horror but I love to read it. I know we share the same love for Stephen King. One of my favorite books by him is The Stand. What's your favorite Stephen King book and why?

I haven't gotten through The Stand, so my hats off to you. Most of his books are on my "To Read" list. "Christine" is one of my favorites, but then I LOVE antique cars, so there's a personal connection I have with the story (and no, I've never had a possessed car, darn it!!). I admire Stephen King's book, "On Writing." A short book, Mr. King cuts out all the BS of most books about writing and just gets to the point. Some people say its an autobiography, but it isn't. The book is about his journey to becoming a writer, with tidbits of useful information throughout.

~Kim, your story, "Faith: An Apocalyptic Story," is one of the hair-raising stories featured in Earth's End. Could you tease us with an excerpt?

"Throwing the door open and entering, she found herself in a makeshift lab; test tubes, microscopes, and petri dishes sat on a granite counter top. Further into the elongated room, an autoclave rested in a corner. She came to a set of swinging doors and pushed through them, entering another room, which was much smaller than the first. The tabletops here were cluttered with Bunsen burners, beakers, flasks, and microscopes. She stared at the mess, not sure of what she was looking for. Curiosity eventually got the better of her, and she leaned over a microscope, searching for a clue. Her eyes widened in surprise at the sight: blood samples showing human and lion compounds stared her in the face–an intermingling of the species. She turned away from the eyepiece, as she’d just witnessed proof that the Atlanteans had, in fact, been trying to make an animal/human hybrid.

She swore under her breath, casting glances around the room, when her eyes lit upon what she’d been hunting for. Clutching the thin piece of metal she’d taken from the man, she took three giant steps to the door, inserted the key, and turned the lock. After she heard a dull click, she pushed the door handle down, and was met with an awful stench as she opened it: a mixture of urine, fecal matter, and iron.

There were oil lamps in this dungeon area, casting odd shadows on the walls. Steel bars separated her from whatever, or whomever, lay in wait in the darkness.

A moan escaped from something, or someone, in the cage closest to her, adding to her anxiety." ~ Faith: An Apocalyptic Story by Kim Curley - Earth's End

~Animal/human hybrids? A laboratory? Yikes! This excerpt is full of tension. You've got my attention! How and when can we get a copy of Earth's End?

This book is AVAILABLE NOW!! Check out Amazon, or Pill Hill Press:  

~What other projects are you working on and where can we find more of your work?

I have two nonfiction pieces for Hidden Thoughts Press that have been accepted for publication: one is a nonfiction submission about my struggles with JRA-juvenile rheumatoid arthrits in "It's Weighing on Your Mind," anthology. That's coming out in the near future. The second, another nonfiction piece. This one is about anxeity/panic disorders, for another Hidden Thoughts Press anthology. I've got a kids fiction novel I really want to get done by spring so that I can take it to a regional SCBWI conference. As far as other future projects: there are several binders full of stories just waiting to be completed! 

~Kim, thank you so much for joining us today. I'm looking forward to getting my copy of Earth's End: Anthology. Good luck with your future endeavors. 

Thank you so much, Denise! I've been really fortunate to have found myself surrounded by talented writers who are personable and professional. I owe a lot of who I am to them all!

Follow Kim Curley's Blog and follow her on Twitter!


  1. Terrific interview, Denise.

    And Kim, I'm so happy for you and look forward to seeing more of your work romping around in the world. Good luck with all of it.

    1. Hi Clauds, Thanks for stopping by! I'm glad you enjoyed the interview.

  2. Great interview ladies. I have made it through The Stand, but it is not one of my favorites. I loved Geralds Game even through it really grossed me out. My next favorite is Cujo. Then Carrie. Then......

    Congrats to you Kim. Can't wait to see what you do next.

    1. Hi Courtney, I've never read Geralds Game. Thanks for the tip!

  3. Thank you, Denise! The interview looks wonderful. I really appreciate all your support.

    Thank you so much, Clauds & Courtney! I'm in great company when it comes to being included with so many writers.

    Side note for Courtney: I read "Carrie" again last summer. When you speak about writer's growing the more they write, you can definetly see that with King's stories. After I read it, my thoughts were, 'Wow-he really did improve on his writing skills through the years. 'Carrie' is a good first effort on King's part, and he's just improved along the way!

    1. Kim, glad you like how it turned out. It's my pleasure to help out my fellow writers. We need to stick together. :)

  4. My favourite King's were: It, Pet Cemetery, and Misery. But I haven't read them all.

    Wonderful interview. Congrats on getting published, Kim! Sounds like you're about to take off. :)

    1. Oh my goodness! I forgot about It. That book scared the crap out of me.
      Thanks for stopping by, Carrie. :D


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