
Thursday, October 18, 2012

A Costume Party With Prizes!

Halloween Lights

Halloween is 13 days away! It's my favorite holiday. Yup, even more than Christmas. I LOVE dressing up and I just squee with delight when I see little children in costume.

This year, John and I are going to my friend's 50th birthday bash. Costumes mandatory. Know what we're dressing up as?

Captain Jack Sparrow and


Of course, we won't look exactly like them, but we can pretend. I'll post the photos after the party.

In the meantime, I thought it would be fun for all of us to have a Costume Party! 

Here are The Rules:

1. Dig out a photo of yourself dressed up in your favorite costume.

2. E-mail it to me at deestan62 at gmail dot com. (My address is written that way to confuse spammers.)

3. I will post the photos to my Facebook Author Page.

Here is The Prize:

The photo that gets the most 'likes' by midnight on October 30th will win a Kindle copy of 31 More Nights of Halloween.

Doesn't that sound like fun? Invite your friends to join in and make sure you tell them to vote for your photo.


Thanks for your comments. I LOVE hearing from you! :D