
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy NEW Year!

Wishing you all a Happy, Healthy, Productive, and Prosperous


Well, we made it!

Either the Mayans were wrong, or we misunderstood something. In any case, the world did not end, giant meteors did not crash into the Earth, and zombies did not eat my brains. (Although, after the Christmas Craziness, I could have sworn a few chunks of gray matter were missing.)

It's a new year. Time for a fresh start. No, I don't mean I'll be telling you about my New Year resolutions. I don't believe in them. My thoughts on resolutions

I'm talking about my new really cool calendar!

Oh, yeah, and a few new features on this blog:

~Holiday Fun Facts. Fun Facts seem to be very popular, so I've continued the posts this year. I've already covered all of the calendar months and decided to write about popular holidays. I hope you enjoy the posts and possibly learn something new.

~Page Tabs. I cleaned up the blog a bit. If you haven't noticed, there are now tabs at the top of the page to make finding a particular type of post a little easier for you.

~Behind the Keyboard is where I'll talk about the journey and process of writing.

~The Clover Key. Since I'm sooooo close to completing my first YA novel, I thought it would be a good idea to talk about the novel. I'd like to do posts about the characters, the settings, and include relevant pictures and information about my research.

~Last, but not least, is my favorite new feature. Four For Friday will be a weekly post by authors of both children and adult fiction who will answer four questions in character. I'm hoping this feature will be enjoyable to everyone involved. There may even be monthly prizes!

Don't worry, I'll still do some book thoughts and market news and the occasional random ranting post that spews from my brain into my fingertips, but I'm really excited about the new features.

So, what do you think? Is there something that doesn't interest you? Is there a feature you would like me to add? 


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