
Friday, March 15, 2013

Four For Friday--Martha Emms

Four For Friday is a weekly feature where guest authors choose one of their own characters to complete four sentences. Please be sure to enter the Rafflecopter giveaway. You could be the lucky winner of a Kindle copy!

This week's post is by Martha Emms from her novel, Portrait of Our Marriage (Memoirs of Love, Family, the Internet, and Obsession)

Hi, Brett Ketchum here. I have a demanding job, a wife, and two kids. Hell, I’m living the American dream! We’re buying our own home, we have two cars, and we’re putting our son through college. I learned at a young age, life is what you make of it. You need to do things, have fun, live life to the fullest, because you never know what can happen. Your whole life can change in an instant. Look, life’s hectic and sometimes I need relief. And no one is going to tell me what I should or shouldn’t do. Only I know what makes me feel good, what helps me forget. I don’t see why people make such a big deal about porn. Men need a break, we work hard. What the heck is the difference in me getting off on porn and you ladies, reading sexually explicit novels? None. I love my wife; I just wish Nicky would back off. I know what’s good for me, only I know . . .

1. If I found a pot of gold… 

I would throw the biggest damn party. I’d rent a jet and take my family and friends to go on the wildest adventure you could imagine. Zip line through the Yucatan jungle. Sky dive by Victoria Falls, in Zambia. Hike a volcano in Hawaii. Arrange to join a dinosaur dig in Colorado. Rent an amazing fantasy yacht in Australia and sail those wondrous blue seas. We would have a blast.

2. The color green… 

will always remind me of the place where Nicky and I were married. After hiking through red canyons, then entering areas abundant with lush green foliage. Oh, and the waterfalls, the azure sea green waters of Havasu Falls. Such natural beauty. That was the best time in my life, next to my son and daughter being born. I will never forget the many greens of Havasu Falls.

3. I have a lucky…

outlook on life. I didn’t always have it easy, but I learned a lot from tough times. Never stop learning, have fun, go places, do things. Work hard and play hard. How you look at things, is what you get.

4. If I was on the television show, ‘Survivor,’ I would be the one that… 

could do it all. I’m fit, athletic, agile, clever, smart, love nature, an arbitrator, resourceful, have a good sense of humor, energetic, and some might say charismatic  I would be ‘The Survivor’.

You can find out more about Martha Emms by visiting her Amazon Author Page

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  1. Nice blog! I found your great blog through the WLC Blog Follows on the World Literary Cafe! Great to connect!

    1. Hi Jan! Thanks so much for stopping by. :D


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