
Monday, February 27, 2012

Spreading The News (February)

I went through my e-mail inbox and gathered together a whole load of cool stuff to pass along.

I write at home and sometimes, at work. (Shhh. Don't tell my boss! Oh, wait...I AM the boss.) Anyway, I use Word at work and Works or OpenOffice at home. Whenever I wanted to work on a document at work, I would have to copy, paste, and e-mail it to myself or use a thumb drive. Then, I'd have to re-format it and do it all over again. of our customers works for AT&T. Whenever he comes in for an oil change, he shows me the newest gadget and lets me try it out. This last time, he told me about Dropbox.

When you download Dropbox on your computer, you can create a public space for files and photos. So, I can drop Chapter 11 into the dropbox at home and open it at work. I can type where I left off and then save it. when I open Chapter 11 at home, I can continue on. I love it!! Now, there's no more excuses for not writing during a slow afternoon or during my lunch break.

Although I haven't tried it yet, Dropbox would be great for critique groups. Dropbox gives you 2GB of storage. Every time you invite a friend to join, BOTH you AND your friend get an additional 250MB of storage.

Want to give it a try? Send me an e-mail at deestan62 @ gmail (dot) com. I will send you an invite and we'll both win. Did I mention this is all FREE???

Peter Halasz, a writer from Australia, created these cheat sheets for NaNoWriMo and they are available for download. There is one sheet for Characters and another for Plot. I printed them out and read through them once. More than a dozen story ideas popped into my head! These sheets are prominently tacked to my new gigantor-humongous bulletin board. Enjoy!

I know I've mentioned them in another post here but that was so 'last year'. Sign up for Blue Cubicle Press' newsletters and they will e-mail you their first line prompts. Use the first line in a story (see Guidelines)
They pay $30 for fiction and $20 for non-fiction.
Here are the remaining prompts for 2012:

Summer 2012 (Submissions due May 1, 2012)--Rachel's first trip to England didn't go as planned.

Fall 2012 (Submissions due August 1, 2012)--A light snow was falling as Charlie Reardon left the diner and made his way down Madison Street.

Winter 2012 (Submissions due November 1, 2012)--Sometimes, when it's quiet, I can remember what my life was like before moving to Cedar Springs.

Sign up for their free newsletter and receive 2 free e-books! They also offer free workshops and valuable info on writing, publishing, and marketing. That's a whole lot of FREE stuff and FREE is always good.

New Agents

Carlie Webber of the Jane Rotrosen Agency:

Seeking YA (any and all genres) horror, mystery, thriller, romance. On her wish list: anything set in the grunge era, GLBTQ for YA, High-concept YA, genre mash ups (like paranormal romantic suspense.)  Read all submission guidelines carefully before querying.

Rachael Dugas of Talcott Notch Literary:

Seeking YA, MG, and adult fiction in the contemporary, paranormal, women's, and romance genres. Cookbooks with a unique perspective, beautifully written historical and/or literary fiction are also on her wish list. Read all query guidelines before submitting.

Erin Harris of Skolnick Literary:

Seeking literary novels with compelling plots and international settings, noirs, literary thrillers, and YA and MG novels that transport her to magical places. Please read the submission guidelines before querying.


Here's an idea for a never-ending supply of writing prompts: Choose a completed story by another author (or use one of your own!) Use the last line to begin a new story. You can use the same characters or create new ones.

Well, that's all I have for you this month, but don't worry, I've got lots more stuff to share next month!

1 comment:

  1. You've been tagged. Stop over at my blog this week to see what this means.



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