
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Day 5--NaNoWriMo and I are still in the dating phase.

Today is Day 5. As of twelve hours ago, my word count is 5455. Hopefully after finishing this blog post, the count is up to 8000. We'll see.

In 2009, I signed up and finished a really horrible first draft.

In 2010, I was so excited about starting again. It turned out not to be so wonderful the second time around. With only one day to go, I gave up.

In 2011, I didn't participate, but wished others well and even shared my own Recipe for Nano Success

In 2012, I didn't even think about it.

This year, I was reluctant to sign up for NaNoWriMo. Ok, honestly? I forgot all about it. Then, I read somebody's Facebook status about doing the challenge. I logged onto the site and told myself that if I can't remember my ID and password, I wouldn't be upset about it. BUT I did remember. AND I got it right on the first try. It was a sign. So I signed up.

 Being a typical pantster, I never outline. I usually just go with the flow. When I do NaNo, I start out like gangbusters and then trudge through the middle. This is the time when I either give up, or write a whole lot of junk.

This year, I worked a little smarter. I signed up at and entered all my characters and scenes. Now, every night, I know exactly which scene I'm working on. So far, it's working. I haven't stared down a blank screen or blinking cursor yet.

This year, NaNo and I are very compatible. We really like each other. Everything is going smoothly. I'm polite and dainty and on my best behavior. NaNo is a real gentlemen. The conversation is flowing, and we're getting to know each other. So far...

Are you doing the NaNo challenge? Would you like another buddy? Let's face it, we all need buddies who are understanding when the relationship starts getting rocky. Add me to your list--Denise0616.

Don't know how to add a buddy? Leave your screen name in the comments and I'll find you.

Wish us luck!

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