
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A Few of My Favorite Things

I must admit, while writing up this blog post, I sang the title. So just like Julie Andrews, I decided to change the format from talking about some of my favorite things to singing about them. Sing along, you know the tune.

Survivor and fairies and warm suntan lotion.
Travel and coffee, the smell of the ocean.
Lobster with butter and Tiffany rings,
Reading about Europe and all of their Kings.

Shopping for new shoes and Chef Gordon Ramsay.
Watching Bugs Bunny and pink cotton candy.
Captain Jack Sparrow can make my heart sing,
Breezes in Autumn and tulips in Spring.

John Force and lightning and long three-day weekends.
Reading and writing and small newborn kittens.
Paper and pencils and dragonfly wings,
These are a few of my favorite things.

When it's cold out,
Or I gain weight,
When my writing's bad.
I simply remember my favorite things
and then I don't feel so sad!

That was fun!  Now, it's your turn...


  1. I love this Denise! I was singing right along with all the verses. How cute. I am not a poet and suck at rhyming so I will just say I enjoyed your post very much.

    (still having issues commenting as "me" so its anonymous)

  2. Thanks, Courtney!
    It really was so much fun, lol.

    I will e-mail you about what I did to correct that issue.

    Thanks for stopping by!


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