
Monday, June 27, 2011

Three Words

I read a magazine article recently that said, "Describe yourself in three words." I thought this topic would make a good blog post but choosing just three words proved to be quite difficult for me. I'm a true Gemini, so along with multiple moods, I also have many facets to my persona. I have good qualities but I also have less admirable ones. I also wear many hats in my daily life as a wife, mother, business owner, and writer. How could I possibly pick only three words?

As a writer, I am: creative, curious, and earnest.
As a business owner, I am: humble, honest, and very hopeful.
As a mother, I am: proud, understanding, and guiding.
As a wife, I am: patient, kind, and loving.

Sounds like I'm a great person, doesn't it? Ah, but mix in my bad qualities and I'm less than amazing.

I am self-conscious, lazy, inconsistent, impatient, and tend to be very controlling. I'm sure there are more, but these are the ones that immediately came to mind. I'm working on changing those bad qualities, but the transformation may take some time.

My goal is to describe myself as Patient, Positive, and Organized but for now I will be realistic and settle for: Ready Willing, and Able.

Are three words enough for you?

1 comment:

  1. As you can see I figured out the comment issue...only spent my lunch hour on it. But as to your blog, no 3 words are so not enough as it depends on the day as to how to describe me. Some would say tenacious...some would say stubborn...prideful...spiteful...then other days it would be Boy I could go on and on apparently. Good question.



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