Thursday, January 6, 2011

Sharing--Six Words On Happiness

Smith Magazine, the home of the Six Word Memoir is looking for your secrets to a happy life. 

"Play like dogs, nap like cats." "Outer order contributes to inner calm." "Wanting what I have, plus chocolate." Happy words, all. And SMITH Magazine is very happy to team up with Gretchen Rubin's The Happiness Project to seek your "Six Words on the Secrets to Happiness."

Who knows?  Your six words just may end up in a future book.


  1. I bet he/she is waiting for you to let go of the mouse. Teresa

  2. That kitty looks so content and full of bliss! Wonder what its secret to happiness is?

  3. The secret to the kitteh cat is...the computer is warm!

    My six words on happiness. Getting to Sleep in on Saturdays! Hehehe



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